Chemical and optical advanced diagnostics for Smart Energy Carriers conversion monitoring

Challenge: Improvement and development of new diagnostic tools


  • Develop/optimize innovative diagnostic tools and procedures for identification and quantification of chemical intermediate/markers in SECs combustion.
  • Adapt advanced diagnostics to complex systems (e.g. engines, furnaces, household applications, etc.).

Detailed description of the WG3 activities can be found here (extract from the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding)

Summary of Work Group 3 Activities

This objective has been successful pursued in the networking activities of Workgroup 3. The conversion of Smart energy carriers (SECs) show diverging combustion characteristics e.g. flame structure, laminar burning velocity, ignition delay time or emissions (NOx, CO, UHCs, soot) and hence, innovative diagnostic tools had to be optimized or even developed for proper application in SEC environments. Subsequently, the core aim of WG3 was the design of advanced diagnostic tools. The diagnostic tools have been tested in fundamental experiments with well-defined boundary conditions (so-called model flames). These experiments were used to acquire fundamental data that helped to increase the overall level of understanding regarding the conversion of specific SECs or e.g. the development of new kinetic schemes (connection to WG1 and WG4).

An additionally target of WG3 was the transfer of the advanced diagnostic tools from laboratory scale to more complex (industrial) systems for characterising or process controlling (connection to WG5).

Within the WG3, various modern measurement techniques were verified, optimized and applied for different SECs, mostly with either focus on the diagnostic aspect or either with the aim to collect (fundamental) data about SEC combustion. In focus of many participating research groups have been promising fuels like e.g. synthesis gases combustion/production, alcohols (ethanol, butanol), ammonia or sulphur as SECs. Additionally, the research of solid fuels (e.g. combustion and pyrolysis of bio mass or waste) were investigated by several research groups involved in WG3.

Different diagnostic tools on measurements of direct and indirect parameters have been obtained which strongly contributed to build the background and tools for SECs deployment.

Among the main contributions, it is worth to report the use of infrared spectroscopy, either applied for implementation in large scale processes or for fundamental research, the use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy particularly applied for blends of biofuels in order to predict fuel properties, the application of chemiluminescence to characterize SECs combustion systems.

One of the efforts carried out during the last year is the application of the Industry4.0 concept in relation to diagnostic monitoring and control of practical applications where SECs are involved. Information about this perspective are reported at wg3 webpage.

The Action web is essential part of the Final Action Report. Detailed information on wg3 are reported at

The results of the activities of WG3 are reported in:

 ➡ Proceedings, presentations, media,  Special issues are part of the Final Action Report

Stefan Voss

Working Group Leader

Institute of Thermal Engineering TU Bergakademie Freiberg Germany


Tina Kasper

Working Group Vice-Leader

Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics, University of Duisburg-Essen
