First Annual Meeting and SECs for Power, Industry and Engines Workshop

CERTH Conference Centre Thessaloniki, Greece

The First Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST Action took place, on August 26-28th, 2015, in the CERTH Conference Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece. Concurrently and as a natural complement to the SMARTCATs meeting a workshop on “Smart Energy Carriers for Power, Industry and Engines” has been also organized. The agendas of the two events have been strongly […]


School of Engineering University Federico II, Napoli Piazzale Tecchio 80, Napoli

First WG4 workshop of the Action was held in Napoli (Italy) on 5th and 6th of April 2016 The workshop has been centered on the topics of Workgroup 4 of the Action: Chemical data mining and their organization in easily accesible repositories represents a key point in realizing reliable and effective chemical data libraries to be used to […]

2nd General Meeting and Workshop on SECs in Industry of SMARTCATs Action

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon - Portugal Avenida Rovisco Pais, Lisbon, Portugal

The final program and the book of abstracts are now available. Last minute information can be found on the conference website. A document to be used as a starting point during the discussion "Data Exchange: towards a community standard", that will take place on Wednesday, is available here.